Environmental education Pavilion

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Environmental education Pavilion

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Help us to build a fun environmental education pavilion at Ceiba pentandra Park

Donate USD$50

If a child wants to be an artist or athlete, they find Fine Arts and sports schools, but where do children who want to be environmentalists go? … to the pavilions of the HUNAB Ceiba Pentandra Park!

With your donation you support the adaptation of one of the next Pavilions of fun and environmental learning. During the months of October, November and December 2022 we will be raising funds for the (open-air) museography of the space dedicated to the Conservation of oceans and coastal ecosystems.

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The HUNAB Ceiba Pentandra park is unique worldwide because it brings together fun and environmental learning in one place, through its open-air pavilions, visitors live the experience of reconnecting with nature.

Every year 8,000 students prepare for their visit to Ceiba Pentandra Park by receiving the HUNAB newspaper in their classroom. Soon it is time to visit one of the pavilions such as the Biodiversity of the Yucatan Peninsula or the Circular Economy and Sustainable Consumption.

Your donation will help us to adapt the Pavilion on the Conservation of the Oceans and coastal ecosystems.

We share images of the current pavilions, for reference.

Your donation is tax deductible in Mexico!

HUNAB is a charitable organization, in case you require a deductible tax receipt in Mexico, you can contact us at info@hunab.info

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