Native Trees

Native Trees

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Adopt a native plant!

Donate USD$10

Participate in the reforestation of the HUNAB Ceiba Pentandra park by adopting a native plant. From melliferous (producers of pollen and nectar for pollinators) to trees with fruits that are less and less popular.

With this action you contribute to the reactivation of the HUNAB Park, which for 9 years has been the learning space for children and young defenders of Grandma Earth. It features outdoor pavilions for environmental fun and learning.

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By “adding to the cart” the adoption of a native tree, you contribute with a donation for the reforestation program of the HUNAB Ceiba Pentandra Park.

Your donation includes:

-The planting with fertilized land of a native tree or honey plant of the Yucatan Peninsula to reforest the HUNAB Park.

-It will be an unusual species such as the Saponifera (its fruits are like a natural soap), Sinanché, Black Zapote, Pich, Chooch, Dzizilché, among others. Shrubs such as achiote or kerpis and kukás palms. The goal is to recover native and little-known species.

-The care and monitoring of the plant to guarantee its survival. Did you know that in Yucatan we have two seasons? the rainy season and the dry season.

-Personalized plantation certificate with the photograph of your tree. And when you visit us in Mérida, remember to stop by and visit it.

In 2020 a fire reached our facilities, causing a significant loss of vegetation. Saturday volunteer days are making a faster recovery possible.

Volunteers are participating in the reforestation program, let’s support!

Your donation is tax deductible!

HUNAB is a donated charitable, in case you require a deductible tax receipt in Mexico, you can contact us at

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